About the Reception

The reception will be held at the Lakeside Pavilion at Taughannock State Park, which is accessed by the North Point parking lot. The pavilion is, as the name promises, immediately adjacent to Lake Cayuga.  La recepción se llevará a cabo en el Pabellón de Lakeside a Taughannock State Park, de la que se accede por el aparcamiento North Point. El pabellón es, como su nombre promete, inmediatamente adyacente al lago Cayuga.

Reception Schedule:

4:00 -- Light Food & Refreshment
5:00 -- Buffet Dinner

To Follow: Singing, Dancing, Gossip & General Merriment (AND CAKE! Never forget the cake. Or cookies. Can't forget those either)

04:00 - Comida ligera y refrescos
05:00 - Cena Buffet

Para Seguir: Canto, Baile, Chismes y Alegría General (Y TORTA! Nunca olvides la torta ... o galletas ... No se puede olvidar a aquellos tampoco.)